Android Development PDF

Android Development PDF | From ~ DroidUMM

1. Targeting Android – The Big Picture.

Background and positioning of the Android platform, including comparisons to other popular platforms such as BlackBerry, iPhone, and Windows Mobile. After an introduction to the platform, the balance of the first chapter introduces the high-level architecture of Android applications and the operating system environment.

  1. Introducing Android
  2. Stacking up Android
  3. Booting Android development
  4. An Android application
  5. Summary

2 Development environment.
Step-by-step development exercise teaching you the essence of using the Android development environment,
including the key tools and concepts for building an application.
  1. The Android SDK
  2. Fitting the pieces together
  3. Building an Android application in Eclipse
  4. The Android Emulator
  5. Debugging
  6. Summary
Lecture notes 2: Android Setup: SDK & Emulator

3 User interfaces.
covers the fundamental Android UI components, including View and Layout. Introduces basic concepts such as handling external resources, dealing with events, and the lifecycle of an Android application.

  1. Activity Life Cycle
  2. Creating the Activity
  3. An Overview of User Interfaces
  4. Using XML Layouts
  5. Selection Widgets
  6. Date and Time Tabs
  7. Hardware & Software Keyboards
  8. Using Menus
  9. Using Fonts
  10. The WebView and the WebKit Browser
  11. Dialog Boxes: AlertDialog & Toast
  12. Using resources
Lecture notes 3-11: Life Cycle – User Interfaces

4 Intents and services.
Expands on the concepts learned in chapter 3 and delves into the Android Intent concept to demonstrate
interaction between screens, activities, and entire applications. Also we introduce and utilize the Service, which brings the notion of background process into discussion.

  1. Working with Intent classes
  2.  Listening in with broadcast receivers
  3.  Building a Service
  4.  Performing Inter-Process Communication
  5.  Summary

Lecture notes 12, 13, 19: Intents & Intent-Filters & Multi-threading

5 Storing and retrieving data.
Incorporates methods and strategies for storing and retrieving data locally. We examine the use of the filesystem,databases, the SD card, and Android specific entities such as the SharedPreferences and ContentProvider classes. At this point we begin combining fundamental concepts with more real-world details, such as handling application state, using a database for persistent storage, and working with SQL.
  1. Using preferences
  2. Using the filesystem
  3. Persisting data to a database
  4. Working with ContentProvider classes
  5. Summary

6 Networking and web services.
This section deals with storing and retrieving data over the network. Here we include a networking primer beforedelving into using raw networking concepts such as sockets on Android. From there we progress to using HTTP,and exploring web services (such as REST and SOAP).
  1. An overview of networking
  2. Checking the network status
  3. Communicating with a server socket
  4. Working with HTTP
  5. Web services
  6. Summary

8 Notifications and alarms.
In this section we look at how to notify users of various events such as receiving a SMS message as well as how to manage and set alarms.
  1. Introducing Toast
  2. Introducing notifications
  3. Alarms
  4. Summary

11 Location Services.
Introduces Location-based services. Here we learn about using the mapping APIs on Android, including different location providers and properties that are available, how to build and manipulate map related screens, and how to work with location related concepts within the emulator.
  1. Simulating your location within the emulator
  2. Using LocationManager and LocationProvider
  3. Working with maps
  4. Converting places and addresses with Geocoder
  5. Summary

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